Module: ol/format/filter




format/filter.js, line 30
import {and} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a logical <And> operator between two or more filter conditions.

Name Type Description
conditions module:ol/format/filter/Filter~Filter

Filter conditions.

<And> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.bbox(geometryName, extent, opt_srsName){module:ol/format/filter/Bbox~Bbox}

format/filter.js, line 72
import {bbox} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a <BBOX> operator to test whether a geometry-valued property intersects a fixed bounding box

Name Type Description
geometryName string

Geometry name to use.

extent module:ol/extent~Extent


srsName string

SRS name. No srsName attribute will be set on geometries when this is not provided.

<BBOX> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.between(propertyName, lowerBoundary, upperBoundary){module:ol/format/filter/IsBetween~IsBetween}

format/filter.js, line 225
import {between} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsBetween> comparison operator to test whether an expression value lies within a range given by a lower and upper bound (inclusive).

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

lowerBoundary number

The lower bound of the range.

upperBoundary number

The upper bound of the range.

<PropertyIsBetween> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.contains(geometryName, geometry, opt_srsName){module:ol/format/filter/Contains~Contains}

format/filter.js, line 87
import {contains} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a <Contains> operator to test whether a geometry-valued property contains a given geometry.

Name Type Description
geometryName string

Geometry name to use.

geometry module:ol/geom/Geometry~Geometry


srsName string

SRS name. No srsName attribute will be set on geometries when this is not provided.

<Contains> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.during(propertyName, begin, end){module:ol/format/filter/During~During}

format/filter.js, line 262
import {during} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a <During> temporal operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

begin string

The begin date in ISO-8601 format.

end string

The end date in ISO-8601 format.

<During> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.equalTo(propertyName, expression, opt_matchCase){module:ol/format/filter/EqualTo~EqualTo}

format/filter.js, line 131
import {equalTo} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsEqualTo> comparison operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

expression string | number

The value to compare.

matchCase boolean


<PropertyIsEqualTo> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.greaterThan(propertyName, expression){module:ol/format/filter/GreaterThan~GreaterThan}

format/filter.js, line 184
import {greaterThan} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsGreaterThan> comparison operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

expression number

The value to compare.

<PropertyIsGreaterThan> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.greaterThanOrEqualTo(propertyName, expression){module:ol/format/filter/GreaterThanOrEqualTo~GreaterThanOrEqualTo}

format/filter.js, line 197
import {greaterThanOrEqualTo} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> comparison operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

expression number

The value to compare.

<PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.intersects(geometryName, geometry, opt_srsName){module:ol/format/filter/Intersects~Intersects}

format/filter.js, line 102
import {intersects} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a <Intersects> operator to test whether a geometry-valued property intersects a given geometry.

Name Type Description
geometryName string

Geometry name to use.

geometry module:ol/geom/Geometry~Geometry


srsName string

SRS name. No srsName attribute will be set on geometries when this is not provided.

<Intersects> operator.


format/filter.js, line 210
import {isNull} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsNull> comparison operator to test whether a property value is null.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

<PropertyIsNull> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.lessThan(propertyName, expression){module:ol/format/filter/LessThan~LessThan}

format/filter.js, line 158
import {lessThan} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsLessThan> comparison operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

expression number

The value to compare.

<PropertyIsLessThan> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.lessThanOrEqualTo(propertyName, expression){module:ol/format/filter/LessThanOrEqualTo~LessThanOrEqualTo}

format/filter.js, line 171
import {lessThanOrEqualTo} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo> comparison operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

expression number

The value to compare.

<PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo> operator.

module:ol/format/, pattern, opt_wildCard, opt_singleChar, opt_escapeChar, opt_matchCase){module:ol/format/filter/IsLike~IsLike}

format/filter.js, line 246
import {like} from 'ol/format/filter';

Represents a <PropertyIsLike> comparison operator that matches a string property value against a text pattern.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

pattern string

Text pattern.

wildCard string

Pattern character which matches any sequence of zero or more string characters. Default is '*'.

singleChar string

pattern character which matches any single string character. Default is '.'.

escapeChar string

Escape character which can be used to escape the pattern characters. Default is '!'.

matchCase boolean


<PropertyIsLike> operator.


format/filter.js, line 56
import {not} from 'ol/format/filter';

Represents a logical <Not> operator for a filter condition.

Name Type Description
condition module:ol/format/filter/Filter~Filter

Filter condition.

<Not> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.notEqualTo(propertyName, expression, opt_matchCase){module:ol/format/filter/NotEqualTo~NotEqualTo}

format/filter.js, line 145
import {notEqualTo} from 'ol/format/filter';

Creates a <PropertyIsNotEqualTo> comparison operator.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

Name of the context property to compare.

expression string | number

The value to compare.

matchCase boolean


<PropertyIsNotEqualTo> operator.


format/filter.js, line 43
import {or} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a logical <Or> operator between two or more filter conditions.

Name Type Description
conditions module:ol/format/filter/Filter~Filter

Filter conditions.

<Or> operator.

module:ol/format/filter.within(geometryName, geometry, opt_srsName){module:ol/format/filter/Within~Within}

format/filter.js, line 117
import {within} from 'ol/format/filter';

Create a <Within> operator to test whether a geometry-valued property is within a given geometry.

Name Type Description
geometryName string

Geometry name to use.

geometry module:ol/geom/Geometry~Geometry


srsName string

SRS name. No srsName attribute will be set on geometries when this is not provided.

<Within> operator.